“The focus is more life out of days than days out of life”
— Katie Klem, Owner & Founder, Comfort Makers
What is elder care management and navigation?
TRANSITIONAL CARE CONSULTATION is a service that helps family members to find and explore information, recommendations, options, answers and solutions when a loved one is going from one level of care or place of care to another. A daughter who lives out of state might use transitional care consultation when she needs to know if it is time for her 85 years old mother to move to an assisted living facility or if she wants to know how to find the right doctor or the right service provider for her loved one.
CARE MANAGEMENT is the service that helps the older adult, the family members and the health care providers to organize, coordinate and deliver the best quality of care possible under the circumstances at hand.
CARE NAVIGATION is a service that helps family caregivers, older adults and care giving professionals to know who to call, where to turn to and what to say at the different points on the care continuum in order to obtain the needed care and to explore the care services available.
At Comfort Makers, our care management and care navigation team has 3 goals.
To relieve the caregiving stress on hand
To locate, plan for, coordinate and deliver the best quality of care at the most cost effective rate available
To help older adults to find meaning and quality of life in their later years.
Our care management & care navigation service provides:
Level of care assessments
Care planning services
Care and or case management services
Resource and referral development
Home safety evaluations
Monitoring and oversight of care
Senior advocacy
Crisis intervention
Care facility review
Coordination of services and service providers
Assistance with the organization of relocating a loved one
Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash
“Comfort Makers, came to my rescue after many attempts on my part to get help with any task around the house (cleaning, laundry) I was incapable of doing. I’d had a bad fall and needed her help for months to come. She was always on time and would call me if changes were needed to be made. She was a godsend! I highly recommend...“
–Sara Grindlay